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Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:05 am
by siblis
Dee....that clip is from a Mike Douglas show in 1966.

Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:15 pm
by Dee
Great find, Randy. It is fantastic to learn the names of these demos. If I had time, I would research Elvis's discography to find out if he ever recorded those songs. The site you found does read as if Elvis did record them. I would love to know if Glen changed his voice on these demos to sound like Elvis. :)

This info from the site you shared is also interesting to me:
"EP Enterprises also stands to the story that Red West targeted Glen for $20 per demo session in hopes of picking up and actually changing the music pace of Elvis' career. They base it upon an extensive book by Ernst Jorgensen called Elvis Presley : A Life in Music. (The book also lists Glen playing on many other demos with Charlie Hodge and Red West - but nothing available as a purchase.)"

For Glen to have been recognized as a singer who could change the course of Elvis Presley's music is tremendous! I have to wonder if Glen was told the reason behind the demos he was asked to record. Probably not.

Thanks, Cowpoke, for the "Do the Clam" demo info! Elvis performed this song in the 1965 movie, "Girl Happy":" onclick=";return false;

Great discussion!


Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:39 pm
by Cowpoke
Good link Randy. I believe that article was originally written by MikeM, an old forum member.
In this video, Glen mentions playing on the demo for "Do the Crab" for Elvis, which probably refers to ""Do the Clam"!


Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:02 am
by Randy
Interesting article in relation to your question Dee.... ... esley.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:59 pm
by Dee
Okay, arlw and both convinced me, I must buy this CD!
To hear some of Glen's early demos will be exciting.
Cowpoke, Richard's statement that "Glen was trying to sound like one of the popular artists from that time in order to help pitch the song to that artist" makes a lot of sense. I just wonder now which artist Sharon Sheeley had in mind for this song? We won't ever know but this does prove that demo-ing a song was more than selling the lyrics and melody; perhaps sometimes Glen and his associates had to "help" an artist hear what a new song would sound like if the artist sang it. Interesting!
Didn't Glen demo songs for Elvis?

Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:52 pm
by arlw
Me too---I bought it when it came out which was in 2006 so it's basically 9 years but close enough. Well worth the $ for this CD...It Is an imported CD so it won't be a cheap one, but trust me, it is well worth the dollars as siblis posted. From the icy roads in Texas!!!

Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:00 pm
by siblis
Dee.....I have had that cd for well over 10 yrs now, I thought I had mentioned it to you in the past. You should get it, it's worth it...

Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:26 am
by Cowpoke
Interesting discussion guys. When I first heard this track I was convinced it wasn't Glen. I discussed this track with the late great Richard Price, Glen Campbell researcher extraordinaire, whose archives we are going to publish under Richard Price Archives on his forum. Here is what he said about it in 2011:
I really love "Blue Ribbons," especially the fact that it really doesn't sound like Glen. I think Glen was intentionally trying to sound like someone else during that session. Every once in a while there is a syllable or word where he slips up and I can tell that it's him. Then of course, there's the line in the fade, "let me tell you now" where it is obviously him.
Trust me, when you listen to the entire track several times, you will notice some isolated words and syllables where it does sound like Glen. I believe that Glen was trying to sound like one of the popular artists from that time in order to help pitch the song to that artist. As I said in the other email, he must have slipped up and missed on those few syllables and words. It sounds too me like he was trying to make his voice sound a little raspy and also to conceal his
southern accent or diction.
As for me...I still don't know for sure!

Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:15 pm
by Randy
Arlw and Dee, thx and I know I've heard Glen talk about the demos before. If Arlw says that's Glen, then I believe it. I know he had amazing ability to sing in many different styles.

Thx again :)

Re: Is Glen Campbell on this Demo?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:09 pm
by Dee
Much appreciated, arlw and Randy!
I NEVER, EVER would have determined on my own that that was Glen Campbell singing on this demo! Now that I know for certain that it IS GC, at times I can hear the GC voice that I am used to hearing, but mostly not.
It seemed odd to me that Glen Campbell was identified on this YT link because the demo record wasn't pictured, but now I understand that it came from a CD that captured really early demos.

I just now found this CD -- "Sharon Sheeley: Songwriter" on; it is an import from the U.K.!

arlw, I appreciate your information about Sheeley and Jackie DeShannon, too. I just checked the Songwriters Hall of Fame inductees; only DeShannon has been inducted. Unbelievable.

Thanks again to both of you for your verifications!
