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Fans Discuss Alzheimer's Disease and Treatments

Building on Glen and his family’s vision for awareness of Alzheimer's disease and caregivers' support
Mike Joyce
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Re: Fans Discuss Alzheimer's Disease and Treatments

Post by Mike Joyce »

Hi Dee,
The news has been in the press and on the BBC news channel.
Here is the link to the BBC report.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-33617141" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Fans Discuss Alzheimer's Disease and Treatments

Post by Dee »

Mike, this news sounds encouraging.
Do you still have the sources for these news releases? I would be interested in reading the articles.
Perhaps this information has been released during the Alzheimer's Association International Conference® taking place now, July 18-23, 2015 in Washington, D.C.?

Mike Joyce
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Re: Inspirational Projects Address Alzheimer's Disease

Post by Mike Joyce »

Alzheimer's seems to be a big topic here in the UK and it was wonderful to see a news item stating that there has been a breakthrough which will help reverse the plaque build up in the brain.Sadly this will only be of benefit for early suffers. There has also been mention that detection has been improved so that action can be taken a lot earlier before symptoms become advanced. So there is much to be positive about on this subject.

Mike Joyce
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Re: Nutritional based therapy

Post by Mike Joyce »

I just read this article DrumBuddha, This is very encouraging for sufferers. As it stands everyone has tried too slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease but accepting the fact that eventually there will come a time when no more can be done. This seems to offer fresh hope to those same sufferers. Sadly I think it will be at least 5-10 years before the trials will allow for widespread use, but if it does in fact work and can become a routine procedure it will be the biggest medical breakthrough in decades. Here's hoping it will be the answer to so many peoples prayers.

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Re: Nutritional based therapy

Post by DrumBuddha »

These researchers have taken the approach of attempting to directly reverse the actual damage at the cellular level, which shows a lot of promise.

In advanced stages, it may be entirely too much for the body to correct this level of cellular blockage, even with directly applicable mega-nutrition.

Combining both approaches should prove to be additive in positive effect, and mutually supportive over time...

Mike Joyce
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Re: Alzheimer's treatment

Post by Mike Joyce »

Hello MariaB and Hospice_RN,
Welcome to the Glen Campbell forums. Thank you both for your insightful posts.
Maria B, I can appreciate how difficult it was to watch this film, especially after the heartache of seeing your late husband's suffering. I haven't seen the film yet as I live in the UK, but many people have commented on how uplifting they found the experience. I hope when you feel up to it, that you get to see the rest of the film in the future and that it might provide you with some comfort. I hope you have many fond memories of your late husband and as you say I also hope that the spot light is also given to "Diffuse Lewy Body Disease". I must be honest and say I had never heard of this disease but it sounds very similar to Alzheimer's disease and just as devastating for all concerned. Thank you also for your supportive comments to Glen's wife and family. Those of you have first hand experience of the impact this diseases has on care givers seem to understand the decisions that Kim has had to take for Glen's and her family's sake.

Hospice_RN, thank you also for your supportive comments. Yes it would be wonderful if something as natural as Coconut oil could help sufferers in a positive way. The other day I read that a drug for cancer has been found to help people with M E (Chronic fatigue syndrome). So a cure may come from an unexpected source. Here's hoping.
As regards the music, it is quite clear from the film and comments made that this had a remarkable effect on Glen during the last years of his touring.
Hospice_RN, you sound like someone who really cares for your patients' welfare and if Glen's medical support staff are half as considerate as you, Glen is in very good hands.
Thank you both for your posts and we hope to hear from you both again soon.

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Re: Nutritional based therapy

Post by Dee »

I agree, DrumBuddha, this article from what looks to be a reliable source does sound promising. Thank you so much for sharing it here.
It's interesting to me that these researchers have taken a different approach--rather than focusing on meds, they are testing the treatment of Alz's in an entirely different way using ultrasound technology.
It seems feasible to me that a combination of therapies and mega-nutrition could make a positive difference.

At what point does the global medical profession consider a disease to be an epidemic? This article mentions that 50 million people worldwide are known to have Alzheimer's disease. This number is twice the population number of Australia; it is larger than the population of Canada! Fifty million is probably a conservative number, too, don't you think?, since there are many people who have Alzheimer's disease who haven't been medically diagnosed with it yet.


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Re: Nutritional based therapy

Post by DrumBuddha »

This link I recently came across might provide more light on the subject...

http://www.sciencealert.com/new-alzheim ... y-function" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Of course, one has to temper sensationalism and unbridled enthusiasm / optimism...

That said, however, this article makes some good points, and may show the way toward more workable treatments -- combined with supportive mega-nutrition such as what Dr. Sears promotes -- that together, could make a positive difference, yes?

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Re: Nutritional based therapy

Post by Dee »

Thanks for posting, DrumBuddha. We are glad you saw the broadcast of "I'll Be Me" and appreciate your comments about the documentary.

Thank you, too, for sharing the link to Dr. Sears' treatment to reverse/cure Alzheimer's disease. I wish it were true.
At this time, there is no known treatment or cure for Alzheimer's. (See my "go to" source at: http://www.alz.org/research/science/alz ... tments.asp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.)

Personally, I do agree with the dr.'s anti-aging recommendations to eat well, get 8 hours+ of sleep a night, meditate, exercise, etc. We will still age, of course, but by putting these recommendations into practice, I believe we may increase our overall health and thereby reduce our vulnerability to certain diseases other than Alzheimer's, dementia and related diseases. Just my opinion.

Kim Campbell participated in a CNN-sponsored discussion on Facebook last Friday, June 26th, and was asked about the usage of other treatments (although not specifically about nutrients). Following is the question proposed by a facebooker and Kim's reply to him:
comments_Kim_Campbell.jpg (267.41 KiB) Viewed 16698 times
What do you think about these alternative treatments, DrumBuddha?


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Nutritional based therapy

Post by DrumBuddha »


Recently received this, thought it might merit a closer look, perhaps it's not too late...

http://content.alsearsmd.com/?yuU9pTX2q ... N9tW7ZYwQy" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Thoughts? Comments?

Saw the movie, very touching and brave, to say the least...

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