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Re: "Adios" Rickenbacker Guitar and Photographer Notes

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:42 pm
by Mike Joyce
I agree with the signature thing jay. They all look identical. I can't even spell my name the same twice in a row.

Re: "Adios" Rickenbacker Guitar and Photographer Notes

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:38 am
by jay
If these pictures came from his new management then they are the same people that put the ovation head on the Mosrite, so if you consider that...then it doesn't seem unusual.
I am even going to suggest that they photoshopped all the GC signatures on the Ovation. This photo was taken during the same photo shoot.
How odd.
Or not.

Re: "Adios" Rickenbacker Guitar and Photographer Notes

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:30 am
by Cowpoke
Or maybe it's just a visual design thing. Don't want the Rickenbacker text in there to distract from "Glen Campbell" and "Adios".

Re: "Adios" Rickenbacker Guitar and Photographer Notes

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:09 pm
by jay
"Could it be that Rickenbacker would not give sponsorship for the use of the image?"
I am not sure where that other picture came from, but it doesn't seem to be a problem there.
Even without the name, that is totally a Rickenbacker truss rod cover, fret markers and sound hole.
But you could be right. Maybe they are avoiding a licensing issue or something.

Re: "Adios" Rickenbacker Guitar and Photographer Notes

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:27 pm
by Mike Joyce
Could it be that Rickenbacker would not give sponsorship for the use of the image?

"Adios" Rickenbacker Guitar and Photographer Notes

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:01 pm
by jay
I thought it was odd that "they" would white out "Rickenbacker" off the truss rod cover, for the picture they used to promote "Adios"

Here is the picture:
"Adios" Album Cover
"Adios" Album Cover
gc.jpg (91 KiB) Viewed 8574 times
Here is another picture from the same shoot:
Glen Campbell with a Rickenbacker.jpg
Glen Campbell with a Rickenbacker.jpg (60.89 KiB) Viewed 5231 times
The guitar is definitely a Rickenbacker 6 string.

While examining the picture, I was pretty sure it was not a recent picture and noticed it was taken on 5-20-08 and was credited to Steve Silvas.

I contacted Steve and he stated:

"Yes, I did this shoot while working as a designer for EMI Music Marketing. This shoot was for the "Meet Glen Campbell" album if I remember correctly. I'm not a pro photographer by trade, but I shot many photos for EMI/Capitol in those days, so I was assigned to the gig by our creative director, Tom Recchion.

We shot over an afternoon at a small private recording studio in Los Angeles that was built into a converted portion of a home, so the image was shot in the backyard. We did several different setups inside and a couple outside as well. I remember shooting in front of a wall of guitars, inside a recording booth of sorts and then a few setups outside on grass and near a small wooded area. Glen and his wife were so nice and patient as we went through all of the shots and setups. I remember him being quiet but friendly and with a smile on his face a lot of the time. We did several shots with a guitar and he would go in and out of a song or two as we shot

I then watched the video that was done promoting "Meet Glen Campbell" and the first shot in that video pans the "wall of guitars" and the Rickenbacker is the first guitar in the first frame. Here is a screen grab:
Rickenbacker hanging on wall in studio
Rickenbacker hanging on wall in studio
rick mov.jpg (28.62 KiB) Viewed 8574 times
I am pretty sure the Rickenbacker is a model 370. Glen actually played a model 360 in the early 60's, but it was a 12 string.